Biography of Helen Murkowski

Birth: Helen Murkowski was born on 26 April 1852 in the town and parish of Kcynia to Stanislaw Murkowski and Marianna Nalepinski. She was the 7th of 8 children. Stanislaus Murkowski was listed as an provisor eclesiae, the manager of the parish.

Immigration: According to the 1900 US Census, Helena immigrated in 1875. I have not yet found the immigration records.

Marriage: Helena Murkowski married Alexander Pyterek  from the village of Gulcz, in the parish of Lubasz.on 21 May 1876, in the parish of St. Stanislaus Koska in Chicago. They were married by Father Vincent Barzynski, the famous architect of the Polish Catholic Church in Chicago.

Residence: In the 1880 US census, the Pytereks (then spelled Pitrick) were living 273 Bradley Street what is now considered the "Old Polish Downtown. They belonged to St. Stanislaw Kostka, the oldest Polish parish in Chicago. Helena's husband Alexander built a home at 8640 Baltimore Avenue, and with other early Polish settlers founded the parish of Immaculate Conception. Helen lived at this house until her death in 1927.


  1. Wladislawa (Lottie) Pyterek (1877-1906), married Jan Sobolewski, a friend of the Orbik family also from Tajenko.

  2. Marianna Pyterek ( 1879-1956), married Stanislaw Orbik from Tajenko in 1900.

  3. Francis Pyterek (1881-1964), married Jan Sobolewski after her sister Lottie died in 1906.

  4. John Pyterek (1884-1887).

  5. Hipolit (AKA Leopold) Pyterek (1886-1975), married Agnes Polewski, family from Piaski and Karsk. He ran Pyterek Funeral Home in South Chicago.

Death: Helena Murkowska Pyterek died November 25th 1927 of a cerebral hemorrhage at 8401 Houston in Chicago. She was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Calumet City, Il.

Other Family Information: