Orbiks in Chicopee, Massachusetts

Frank Orbik

There was a Frank Orbik that lived at in Chicopee, Massachusetts, a Polish community. He was married to an Emily (Minnie) Skalska.  In the 1910 Census, the family was living as boarders with John Skalski and his wife Victoria (Emily's parents) at 11 West Street. John Skalski was 60 years old and listed his occupation as "own income". Victoria was a sorter at a cotton mill. Emily was listed as 20 years old (b. 1890) and being born in Pennsylvania. At that time, two children were listed, Rudolf, born in  Vermont (1-10/12 old) and  Tophilia, born in Massachusetts, (1/12 years old). Frank Orbik immigrated in 1898, was still an alien in 1910, spoke English, worked at a bobbin factory, and was 28 in 1910. That puts his birth around 1882. 

Name Born Location Death Location Notes
Rudolf Joseph 18 Jun, 1908 Barton VT     In this Barton VT record, Minnie Skalsky [sic] was listed as being born in Hazelton, PA. The father, Fank S. Orbik is listed as being born in Penn.
Tofila  22 Feb, 1910 Chicopee, MA 23 Jul, 1910 Chicopee, MA Residence listed as 11 West Street.
Raymond John Jan 29, 1911     Chicopee, MA Married to Katherine Orszulak
John Alfred 12 Jun,1915     Chicopee, MA Married to Evelyn Halpern

From family stories related by their descendants, Frank and Emily Orbik died of influenza during the great outbreak of 1918. This outbreak was so vast that they were apparently buried in mass graves. I cannot find their death records anywhere. Their two surviving sons were split up and lived with relatives in different states. 

In the 1920 census, Raymond Orbik was living at 63 Cottage Street, Bayonne New Jersey. He lived with his Benjamin Lipinksi, 32 years old machinist who immigrated in 1909. Also there was Benjamin's wife Stephanie, and their children Anna, 7, and Benjamin Jr, 7 months old. He was listed in the census as a cousin. It is unclear whether Raymond Orbik was Benjamin Lipinksi's or his wife Stephanie's cousin.  Later, in 1936, Raymond John Orbik lived at 628 Grand Street, Dunnellan New Jersey. According to family sources, John Orbik eventually moved to Poughkeepsie New York.

Also in the 1920 census, John Orbik was living with Klement Dobrydnio (49) listed as a farmer at General Farms, his wife Antonina (34), and their children Apolonia (18), Edmund (16), Leonora (14), Clement (8), and Bronislaw (4) on East Hampton Road in Southamton Town, Hampshire County,  Massachusetts. Dobrydnio was a name from the Barglow-Koscielny parish and had married earlier into the Orbik line. John Orbik is listed as a nephew although it is not clear whether he is a nephew of Klement or Antonina. Local library historical records has Antonina's death record from1938 stating that she was the daughter of Jan Skalski and Victoria Rogonska. This would make her the sister of Emily Skalska who was married to Franciszek Orbik. Later, in  1940, John Alfred Orbik lived at 19 Sisson Court, Bayonne New Jersey.

Key Clues. There is a MA state marriage record from Chicopee MA in on June 1911 between Bronislaw (Benjamin ?) Lipinski and Stepanija (Stephanie) Orbik. This appears to be the couple listed as taking in young Raymond Orbik after his parent's death. This marriage license lists Stepanija Orbik as being 19 (b. 1892)  parents as Jakob Orbik and Franciszka Bucko.

New information 12/28/02. I found records in the Barglow Koscielny vital records office that indicate a family in Orzechowka (near Tajno) of Jan Orbik and Franciszka Bucko. Their children are: Stefani (b.1892), Marianna (b.1895), Wladislaw (b. 1897), and Wladislawa (b. c.1900). There is still a gap in the records between 1880 and 1890, which is where Frank would have been born. If this is the correct family (which I believe is so), then Frank Orbik  was a cousin to Stanislaw Orbik in Chicago.

New information 08/29/03.

According to Ellis Island arrival information, on November 23, 1899, Frank Obrik (sic) 17, from Orzechowka arrived in NY aboard the ship H. H. Meier sailing from Bremen to NY. He was destined for West Town Mass to see his brother.

A ship register from the SS Kroonland sailing to NY from Antwerp on May 5, 1903, lists Franc Orbik, 20 (b. 1883), coming to East Hampton Mass., to stay with his cousin, Klement Dobrydnio. His passage was paid by his cousin. The village he was from looks like Netta.

According to Ellis Island arrival information, on July 5 1909, Stefania Ordik (sic), 17 (born in 1892) from Orzechow arrived on the Kronprinz Frederich Wilhelm sailing from Bremen to NY . Her father was listed as Jan Ordik (sic) from Orzechow, Lomza and she listed her destination as going to see her brother Frank Ordik (sic) in Easthampton Mass.

UPDATE: The missing parish record book for 1882-1889 was recently found in the parish rectory. This Franciszek "Frank" Orbik was indeed born in 1882, in the village of Orzechowka, to Jan Orbik and Franciszek Bucko.