Orbik, in Polish, has no particular meaning. In Fred Hoffman's book, Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings, 2nd Edition, he says that Orbik either comes from the root word orba or orka, which means plowing, toiling, or is a diminutive of the name Urban. According to the Slownik nazwisk wspolczesnie w Polsce uzywanych, "Dictionary of Surnames in Current Use in Poland", published in 1992, there are 108 people with the Orbik name living in Poland.

Some families in America changed the spelling to Orbick, because that is how most people who hear the name want to spell it. One family group, changed the name to Orbeck. 

Origins of the Orbiks. The earliest parish records in Barglow-Koscielny parish start in the mid 1600s. In 1697 there was a Jan born to Tomas Orbik. In 1689, there was a Kristofer born to Albert and Marianne Orbik, a Laurentis, born to Tomas and Zofia Orbik, and a Mathew, born to Jacob and Natasia Orbik. I traced the Orbik line in the parish books consistently from the 1700s to the 1880s.

Possible Origins of the Name

Laurentis Orbyk - Polish Infantryman in 1471

The very first reference to an Orbik occurs in a book, Historya piechoty polskiej [The history of Polish Infantry], by Konstanty Górski, published by Nakł. Księg. Spółki Wydawniczej Polskeij, 1893. In Rozdział I [chapter I] Piechota polska pierwszych trzech ćwierciach XV Wieku [Polish Infantry in the First Three Quarters of the 15th Century] page 7 discusses "Uzbrojenie pierwszej znanej nam roty pieszej polskiej rotmistrza Marka..." This translates to "The weaponry of the first known to us Polish infantry unit of Commander Marek" On paper he had 500 people, 73 with pawęż [long wooden shields] , 359 with kusza [crossbows], 12 with proporzec [banners] and 5 with hakownica [arquebus, a kind of early rifle] and piszczał [a type of primitive rifle], and all 449 people. Later in the notes it lists all of the names in this infantry unit ands the equipment they are carrying. Beginning on page 212, it lists all of the Sagittarii (archers). On the top of page 216, there is Laurentius Orbyk, strzał podzelowany, miecz [refurbished crossbow and a sword]. Others in the group had a combination of crossbows "stary" (old), "nowy" (new), "podzelowany" (likely refurbished), or pochodzony (inherited!, that is, handed down), and these are normally accompanied by a "szabla" (saber) or "miecz" (sword). [Translation assistance from Roman Kałużniacki].


Note that there is no direct connection between the name Orbyk and the Orbik families from Tayno and and Augustow, but it is possible and warrants more research.


Rys. 7. Piszczel, hakownica i rusznica

from http://kkr.nsc.pl/artykuly/wbp.html

The book Słownik Staropolskich Nazw Osobowych [Dictionary of personal names in Old Poland], Tom IV N-R, published by the Polksa Akademia Nauk Instytut Języka Polskiego, Krakow, 1976 by Witold Taszycki, there are these Orbik related entries:

On page 136 - Orbczy * : Contra Orbczy uxorem dictam Palka. 1411 Inscr 1248.

Pn page 182 -  Pałka  [Palka] #2 Pałka fem: Nicolaus de Lysse Kane contra Orbczy (!) uxorem dictam Pałka 1411 Inscr 1248.

On page 140 - Orpiszka cf Rpiszka 5.

On page 508 - Rpiszka, Erpiszka, Herpiszka, irpiszka, Orpiszka, Wirpiszka...page 509 # 5 Orpiszka: Albertus Orpiszka...de Crzysowycze 1464 Inscr 1072; Albertum Orpyska, uillicum de Crzischouice 1464 Inscr 1073.

I am still working on the meaning of these entries.

There are no words in in Polish that come close to Orbik. The closest is Orbita which means the same as in English, having to do with the paths of heavenly objects. 

The letter combination of O-R-B is relatively rare. Here are the other close names from the "Dictionary of Surnames in Current Use in Poland" and their frequencies: Orb (7), Orbach (63), Orbaszewski (20), Orban (10), Orbanski (1), Orbiak (9), Orbic (0), Orbidan (3), Orbinska (1), Orbitan (1), Orbitowski (13), Orbitz (1), Orblis (8), and Orbotnik (4).

Poles with a name starting with ORB in the 1998 Polish database by professor K. Rymut at http://www.herby.com.pl/indexslo.html

Nazwisko Ogólna liczba Rozmieszczenie
Orb 7 Kn:1, Lg:3, Op:3
Orbach 63 Wa:13, JG:8, Ka:18, Kr:1, Łd:1, Pt:9, Sd:12, Wb:1
Orbaczewski 20 By:8, Ka:4, Wł:8
Orban 10 Wa:1, Wb:9
Orbańska 1 Ls:1
Orbiak 9 Wa:6, Sk:3
Orbic 0 0
Orbidan 3 Wa:3
Orbik 108 Wa:5, Bs:9, BB:1, El:3, Gd:6, Go:6, Ka:5, Ko:1, Ło:3, Ol:16, Pł:1, Su:51, Ta:1
Orbińska 1 BB:1
Orbitan 1 Gd:1
Orbitowski 13 Kr:5, Po:3, Sz:4, Za:1
Orbitz 1 Lg:1
Orbliś 8 Ol:7, Sr:1
Orbotnik 4 BB:2, Ka:2

Latin: Orbator-one who deprives another of children or parents; orbita-a wheel rut; orbitas-bereavement at the loss of children or parents; orbo-to bereave, deprive of parents or children; orbus-deprived of children or parents. these definitions may have influenced the name. The name Orbik may have meant an orphan. 

The Orbik family that immigrated to Chicopee, Massachusetts, said that the Orbik name meant "wheel-maker".

Other Possibilities

Because Orpik sounds like Orbik, and becasue it was spelled both ways in Osowy Grad, a suburb of Augustow close to Tayno, here is a list of ORP name in the Rymut 1998 database:

Nazwisko Ogólna liczba Rozmieszczenie
Orpel 574 Wa:26, Bs:2, By:6, Cz:1, El:14, Gd:4, Go:21, JG:8, Kl:282, Ka:13, Ko:1, Kr:6, Ls:6, Lu:4, Łd:19, Op:10, Os:1, Pt:8, Po:61, Ra:6, Sd:6, Sł:9, Sz:16, Wb:8, Wr:22, ZG:14
Orpich 27 BB:2, Gd:4, Ka:12, Kr:8, Sz:1
Orpiel 4 Sz:4
Orpik 140 Wa:5, Bs:36, BB:2, El:5, Gd:7, Go:1, JG:3, Ka:27, Ks:1, Lg:2, Lu:11, Ło:1, Ol:6, Pl:2, Pr:4, Su:25, Wr:2
Orpikowski 22 Wa:3, By:13, Pł:1, Wł:5
Orpiński 6 Po:6
Orpiszak 64 Kl:39, Ko:1, Po:24
Orpiszek 0 0
Orpiszewski 49 Wa:3, Bs:2, By:12, JG:5, Kr:5, Lu:1, Łd:8, Po:1, Rz:3, To:6, Wr:3
Orpych 57 Cz:11, El:7, Gd:1, Ka:36, Kr:2

From http://www.stankiewicze.com/index.php?kat=44&sub=547

Orb - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orba - od orać, od prasłowiańskiego oriti ‘burzyć, niszczyć’, od staropolskiego oborzyć ‘zburzyc, zniszczyć’; lub od gwarowego orba ‘orka, oranie’.

Orbach - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orbaczewski - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orban - 1644 od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orbański - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orbiak - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orbic - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orbik - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.

Orbiński - od imienia Urban, notowanego w Polsce od XIII wieku, pochodzenia łacińskiego Urbanus, od urbanus ‘miejski, mieszkaniec miasta’.


Obrych - od imienia Albert, notowanego od XII wieku, z germańskiego Adalbert, pochodzącego od adal ‘szlachetny’ + berht ‘jasny, sławny’.

Obrycki - od nazw miejscowych Obryte, Obryta (kilka wsi).

Obryk - od imienia Albert, notowanego od XII wieku, z germańskiego Adalbert, pochodzącego od adal ‘szlachetny’ + berht ‘jasny, sławny’.

References Used:

1. Kazimierz Rymut, "Nazwiska Polaków. Słownik historyczno - etymologiczny", Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN, Kraków 1999
2. Kazimierz Rymut, 'Nazwiska Polaków. Słownik historyczno - etymologiczny, Wydawnictwo Naukowe DWN, Kraków 2001
3. Zofia Kaleta, „Słownik etymologiczno-motywacyjny staropolskich nazw osobowych. Odmiejscowe nazwy osobowe”, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN, Kraków 1997
4. Aleksandra Cieślikowa ‘Słownik etymologiczno-motywacyjny staropolskich nazw osobowych. Odapelatywne nazwy osobowe’, Wydawnictwo Naukowe DWN, PAN, Instytut Języka Polskiego, Kraków 2000
5. Maria Malec ‘Słownik etymologiczno-motywacyjny staropolskich nazw osobowych. Nazwy osobowe pochodzenia chrześcijańskiego’, Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Języka Polskiego, Kraków 1995
7. Zygmunt Klimek, ‘Słownik etymologiczno-motywacyjny staropolskich nazw osobowych. Nazwy osobowe pochodzenia niemieckiego’, Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Języka Polskiego, Kraków 1997


Orbanski. There was a family in Tajno and Netta named Orbanski in the late 1600s. This name soon disappeared but Orbiks continued. It is possible that that name is connected:

Urbanczyk. Another family line with some potential relationship with the Orbiks were the Urbanczyks from the nearby parish of Janowka.

Orbaszewski. On 17 November 1817, in Folwark Dembowo, in the not too distant parish of Kaletnik, Alexander Orbaszewski was born to Michal Orbaszewski  25, and Elzbieta Kozlowski 30,  living in Folwark Dembowo.

Orpik and Orbik- name change in Osowy Grad

In the book Studia i Materialy Do Dziejow Pojezierza Augutsowiego (Bialystok, 1967), the author cites the development of the Augustow suburb of Osowy Grad. In this town he lists the families who appeared in this village in 1783 and 1792. This includes an Orbik family in both 1783 and 1792. Even though he lists this family as ORBIK in this book, church records from Augustow have marriage and birth records in the village of Osowy Grad which lists ORPIKS in the early 1800s. The ORPIK name shifted to the spelling ORBIK in 1822.

As of today, I still cannot connect the Orbiks in Osowy Grad to the Orbiks in Tajno even though the two villages are very close to one another.

In Osowy Grad 

1806 Marriage of Jan Orpik, 23 (born 1783) and Johanna Majewska, 17.

  1. 22 April 1808, Franciszek Orbik born to Jan Orpik and Julianna Maiewska. Godparets were Karol Macewski and Katarzyna Milanowska, Record #67

  2. 3 Nov 1810, Andreas Jan Orpik born to Jan Orpik and Julianna Maciewska Record # 157

  3. 11 May 1814, Marianna Orpik born to Jan Orpik and Johana Majewska Record # 169

  4. 1822, Salomea Orbik (first time listed as Orbik not Orpik) born to Jan Orbik and Joanna Majewska..Record #3

Osowoy Grad 1807  A Godparent to a birth was Antoni Orpik

Jan Orbik (born 1811) and Marianna:

  1. Franciszek Orbik 5 August 1839

  2. Wyncent Orbik 7 October 1841

In Osowy Grad 

Jan Orbik (born 1799) and Ewa Zaborowski

  1. Marianna Orbik 1838, Marianna Orbik was the Godmother

  2. Franciszek Orbik 5 August 1839

  3. Ignacy Orbik 8 January 1841

  4. Franciszek Orbik 4 Dec 1842

  5. Teofil Orbik 6 Dec 1844

  6. Antonina Orbik 12 June 1848

  7. Franciszka Orbik 1851

In 2007, while searching church records in Augustow church in Poland. I found evidence that this branch actually evolved from the name ORPIK.

Register of inhabitants in Augustow 1801:

1801 Osowy Grad : Jan Orpik  syn, Helena Orpikowna

1802 Osowy Grad: Helena Orpikowna, Dawid Orpik

1803 : Jan   Orbik, Jan Orpik, Marianna Orpikowa, Marcin Orpik, Antoni  Orpik

1805 Osowy Grad: Jan Orpik, Daniel Orpik, Antoni Oprik

1815: Osowy Grad: Stanislaw Orbik, Joanna Orbikowa

Obrik Orbycko, Orbycki

There were some people with the name Obrik in the Protestant parish of Kalinowo on the Prussian side of the border near Tajno. There were also Zaborowskis in these records which mat indicate that the Orbiks from Osowy Grad may be related.

In the early burned pages of Augustów Catholic parish births there is a witness Peter Obrycko.

In the Dwór (manor) of Pruska in the parish of Bargłów-Kościelny there was a noble family named Obrycki.

Stanislaw Obrycki and Malgorzata Rakowska in Dobr Pruska in Barglow-Koscielny. Their children:

  1. 1811 Felicjanna
  2. 1812 Placyda
  3. 1815 Anna
  4. 1816 Henryk Aleksander
  5. 1819 Grzegorz
  6. 1820 Antoni Andrzej
  7. 1822 Piotr


There is a baptism record in the Protestant parish of Borzsymenn on the Prussian side of the border near Tajno.

In 1727 there was a birth of Frederick son of Simon Vorbik and Josepha Grygo. Record # 35. Grygo was also a name from Bargłów parish.

Orbik-like Names in Other Places.


Orbiak. There was an Orbiak family in Gieczno parish, just north of Łódź. 0702406, 0702407

1811 marriage of Jakub Orbiak, 29 , włoscian from wsi Wola Rogozia, son of Jędrzej Orbiak , 80 and Rozalia Ozzimkowna, 70 to Karolina Wroniszewski, widow, 29, daughter of Kaspar and Marianna Kosicanowy.

1.       Birth 1813 of Teresa Orbiak, daughter of Jakub Orbiak, włoscian from wsi Wola Rogozia , 31 and Karolina Wroniszewska. # 31

2.       Birth 1823 of Franciszka Orbiak, daughter of Jakub Orbiak, 40, włoscian from wsi Kwilno and Karolina Wroniszewska. # 14

1815, birth of Wiktoria Orbiak, daughter of Zofia Orbiak, panna.

8 Feb,1815, 6 pm, death of Marianna Orbiak , nee Osimazakow, 70, widow.

22 May 1816, 8 am, death of Jędrzej Orbiak , 90, widow. Witnesses were his sons Jakob Orbiak, 35 and Piotr Orbiak, 26, włociany from Wola Rugo.

15 June 1833, marriage of Jakob Orbiak, 50, son of Jędrzej and Marianna Orbiak, born in Wola Rogozia, and living in Budy Besiek, and Rozalia Kazimirczyk, widow of Jan Kuznia, daughter of Kazimir and Marianna Kazimirczak. 0702408 #12.

16 April, 1855, death of Rozalia Orbiakowna, 60, in Besiekerska.

Orbick and Orbuß

Parish of Weitersweiler (Ba. Kirchheimbolanden), Bayern, Germany.

On 3 February1701, Joannes Georgius Orbick married Susanna Golin. They were from Marheim (today Marnheim)


On 16 March, 1704 they had a son also named Joannes Georgius Orbick. The godfather was Joannes Georges Urban.

On 09 December, 1700, Maria Eva Orbickin married Joannes Henricus Flitoch

On 24 December, 1701, Joannes Michal was born to Joannes Orbuß and Anna Catherine.

In 1703, Maria Gertrude was born to Joannes Orbuß and Anna Catherine.

There is a village about 5 miles north called Orbis. This may be where theses Orbick and Orbuß names originated.


Similar Names from Other Countries and Cultures

Estonia: While surfing the Internet for Orbik, I have found several sites in Estonia (a small county north of Poland) where the name Orbik was used consistently in some jokes. I had someone translate the jokes and they were all about some poor misfortunate wretch. I saw the word orb in an Estonian dictionary and it meant orphan. I though Orbik could mean "little orphan."  I e-mailed the author of the joke in Estonia and asked him whether Orbik meant little orphan and if that was the reference to this joke. He said no, and that the name Orbik in the jokes were changed from a comic character in Estonia called Orbit.

Armenia: This excerpt from a Web site concerning Armenian history relates to the years around 770 AD:

Then by the grace of God lord Esay from the village of Eghapatrush was called to tend to the needs of his people [first] in the orders of priest and bishop and [later], worthily, as patriarch for thirteen years. After his death Ibn Dukl (Ipndokl) robbed the Church; and lord Step'annos ruled for one year, by means of numerous bribes. He was [68] from Ostan of the Curopalate [Dwin]. After him, lord Soghomon,,a very old man from Makenots'ats' monastery, ruled for one year. After him, lord Georg reigned for three years. He was from Aragatsotn and was called Xoyl Orbuk. After him lord Yovsep' ruled for eleven years. He was from Aragatsotn, from the dwelling of saint Gregory.

These similar names from the ancestral file entries of the Mormon archive (LDS)



1900's Endrod, Bekes, Hungary, and Olah-Hodos., Szatmar, Hungary

Scandinavia: The name Orbeck is a pretty common Scandinavian name. During the Deluge (Swedish invasion and War with Poland in 1655-1660), one Swedish army marched right though Augustow and devastated the town. A book about the town of Augustow says that only 5% of the pre-war houses were left standing in 1662. Maybe one stayed to do some farming or was captured and put to work.



From the LDS Genealogy site:

Logsted, Aalborg, Denmark,

 Bjornsholm, Aalborg, Denmark

Christiansminde, Svendborg, Denmark


1649 Dreslette, Odense, Denmark


1842 Trinitatis, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Denmark

1671 Dreslette, Odense, Denmark


1857 Trinitatis, Kobenhavn, Kobenhavn, Denmark

1807 Christians Minde, Svendborg, Denmark


1820 Nykobing, Maribo, Denmark

1895 Galten, Arhus, Denmark


1856 Korsor, Soro, Denmark



From the LDS Genealogy site:

1850's in Vestre Moland, Aust-Agder, Norway


1875 Eidsvoll, Akershus, Norway

1878 Vestre Moland, Aust-Agder, Norway

1874 Eidsfoll, Aks, Norway



From the LDS Genealogy site:

1750s in Marggrabowa, Petersdorf,  and Klinglacken, in Ostpreussen, Preussen


1693 Sankt Aposteln Katholisch, Koeln Stadt, Rheinland, Preussen

1726 Sankt Johann Katholisch, Koeln Stadt, Rheinland, Preussen

1807 Katholisch, Lennep, Rheinland, Preussen

1809 Katholisch, Thier, Rheinland, Preussen

Von Orbach

1633 Sankt Kunibert Katholisch, Koeln Stadt, Rheinland, Preussen


1666 Sankt Laurenz Katholisch, Koeln Stadt, Rheinland, Preussen


1870 Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
1847 Bonn, Rheinland, Preussen

Aeurbach- (Jewish)

1682 Dorfschellenberg, Chemnitz, Sachsen
1705 Gruenhainichen, Chemnitz, Sachsen

1665 Leubsdorf, Chemnitz, Sachsen

1605 Brand-Erbisdorf, Dresden, Sachsen